Exhibit Openings
Carolyn Brown Photography "Travels with Carolyn"
Wednesday, March 20 | 6-8 p.m.
Historical Library
RSVP: Museum Director, Elizabeth Hunt Blanc ehuntblanc@jesuitcp.org or 972-387-8700 ext. 383
Please be our guest for the opening of the exhibit "Travels with Carolyn" featuring pieces by photographer Carolyn Brown. The event is free, hosted by the Jesuit Dallas Museum, and will include beverages, hors d'oeuvres, and music. Artist to speak at 6:30 p.m.
Carolyn Brown has been a major figure on the Dallas photography scene for a number of years. Besides her books, Ms. Brown is particularly known for her incredible exhibit at Fair Park’s Hall of State during the 2000 State Fair: “Sacred Spaces: Man and the Divine in Mexico, Central America and Southwestern United States.” Brown states, “Photography is at the very center of my being—if it’s not documenting faraway places and antiquities, its people, culture and human differences. One cannot escape our fascinating cultural makeup. For me, the importance of photography is that it documents time. The beauty of photography is that by looking at a photograph, one can immediately experience long-ago moments, even bits of the lives people lived thousands of years ago—where, how and who they worshiped, and where they walked, worked, lived and loved.” She has photographed extensively in Jordan, Egypt, Mexico, and many other places. Her work is in many corporate collections and museums, including the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston and the Los Angeles County Museum of Art.